Sarah Beatie

Born in Montana, I aged significantly in the Spokane, Washington area. I don’t say I “grew up” anywhere because really, I haven’t grown up yet. I moved to the Seattle area after attending high school and college in Spokane (Go Zags!) to work at Microsoft in 1999. I’ve dedicated my career to the Testing/Quality discipline in the technology industry, having worked in many different teams across the company. I’m now a Quality Engineering Lead on Xbox. My liberal arts degree isn’t where I found my love for software/hardware engineering, however. Exposure and curiosity paved my non-traditional path, and my tenacity and fortitude have been fast friends with my success. I find myself being energized by helping others solve complex problems, both inside and outside of the technology realm. Growing up, my family didn’t really focus on fitness or exercise, so I’ve come to this passion later in life. I was introduced to snow sports in my early 20s and have been a lifelong watersports enthusiast. Years of struggling on and off again with my weight and fitness was a recurring theme. Many pieces had to fall in place for me to find lasting success (knowledge, desire, self-love, etc.), but the major factor for me was finally making a commitment to getting myself in shape FOR ME and no one else. Another key piece of the puzzle has been finding a way to make exercise FUN! As Chris and I have learned what works for us over all these years, we want to be able to share the knowledge and hacks we utilize with the people we care about! We also recognize with so much negativity in the world these days, any opportunity to help elevate others and make their lives better is raising the level of all the boats in the proverbial harbor. Health, wellness, fitness, mental clarity, motivation, emotional maturity, commitment, relationships, parenting, career, communication, and connection are all areas we are very passionate about! And it turns out, through our vast network of amazing people we’ve met over the years, we have a lot to share!

Chris Beatie

Born in Virginia, a transplant to the Seattle area via way of my father’s last assignment with the FBI before retiring. I grew up (aged might be more accurate) in the sleepy town of Bothell WA. I was a small kid with a lot of social anxiety and a very feminine heir. It made growing up tough as the constant target of harassment. I stuck around with my family as much as possible and was very reclusive and insecure well into my 20’s. I was fascinated with how things worked. I took apart/fixed MANY things in my childhood much to my parents chagrin (often amusement). The entire family is musical and was required to play an instrument with private lessons through High School. Additionally as I was tired of getting my ass kicked I was enrolled in martial arts for the majority of my life. “Having” to show up to my commitments of Viola practice and martial arts was a constant battle of accountability between my parents and I. One I hated at the time but quickly realized put my in a huge advantage compared to other kids when it came to getting and keeping top tier opportunities. My undiagnosed ADD made contemporary education grueling to the point that I just didn’t try unless I was deeply interested in something. A friend of my sister’s boyfriend got me my first job in tech working as a PC technician at CompUSA. This is where my fascination with computers really bloomed. It wasn’t long after HS I dropped all ambitions of college and completely poured my heart into tech landing at MS at 19 years old. My age old insecurities still haunting me turned me into a fairly proto typical male engineer. I worked crazy long hours, had a terrible diet and consumed booze like it was going out of style to tamp down my fear, insecurity and quiet my mind. Ten years into this regimen and I was hugely overweight, my body was breaking down constantly, and my stress and anxiety were at all-time highs. This is when the change began. I refocused my engineering experience into healing my body and mind. I didn’t start out with this goal. I simply wanted to fix some of the basics to begin. Not being embarrassed to take my shirt off, not to feel like a 35 years old trapped in a 70 year old body. One on one therapy, group therapy, men’s groups, doctors, chiropractors, drugs, diet protocols, eastern medicine, acupuncture, you name it. If someone I trusted mentioned a new modality that might help me improve I was in! Fast forward 20 years and I’m in the absolute best shape of my life mentally and physically. It was a painful journey with piles of cash, shame and tears poured in to fuel the fire. And it finally became clear to me what I wanted to do. I want to help people! With much guidance (and patience) on the behalf of my lovely daughter, wife, family and friends I find myself feeling truly blessed. I want to share this joy with the world. I want to share it with you!